About Me
First let me say that I am so excited to join the PES family! I already feel so welcomed!
To share a little bit about myself - really all you have to do is look at the photos below! I am an avid animal lover (much to my partners chagrin). I currently have one dog, a rambunctious 4 year old male black and silver German Shepherd and two horses, one sorrel quarter horse mare and one bay and white Appaloosa gelding...we will be adding another 4 footed family member to our crew in the next year or so. The little brown horse in the photos is a rescue named Angel. She is the sweetest creature you could ever meet. The large spotted horse is named Stanley and aside from my family, he is my pride and joy. He is a registered Appaloosa named "Hello Handsome" and he certainly is! I cannot go anywhere without kind comments about his striking looks. He is also an incredibly talented animal. Previous co-workers could easily comment how I often (sometimes to much) incorporate all of my horse knowledge into daily life. Passion, work ethics, perseverance...all of these traits are so natural when working with horses - it can easily be transferred to day to day activities.
I have been a school counselor for the past 8 years at a 6-8th grade middle school with approximately 400 students. While I loved my times with strictly middle school, I have also had a deep desire to work at the elementary level. I attended the University of New Hampshire where I majored in Psychology and received a minor in adolescent and youth development. After a fantastic internship at a K-6 elementary school I knew I wanted to become a school counselor. So from there I attended Keene State College where I graduated from their school counselor program in 2013 and went straight into my first counseling role. I am very excited to finally be back in an elementary level and working with such fabulous little people.