“Plainfield Elementary School provides a vibrant learning environment for our students. We are fortunate to have a dedicated and talented staff, a beautiful location, and offer a diverse array of learning opportunities for our school community. Offerings include grades K-8 curriculum as well as music, physical education, art health and many clubs and sports teams.”

"A small school making a BIG difference!"

School Board Message

Serving approximately 215 students in grades K-8.

AREA Agreement
Plainfield Elementary School, Grantham Village School and the Lebanon school district have an AREA agreement. Plainfield and Grantham are the sending districts, and the Lebanon School District is the receiving district. Lebanon High School is responsible for the education of Plainfield’s grade 9-12 students. Through this agreement with LHS, Plainfield’s high school students also have access to the regional career technical school in Hartford, VT.

Qualified Staff
Being such a special place to learn and teach, for decades our school has had very little turnover with staff spending their professional careers at PES. In the recent past we have had several staff members retire, bringing with it the opportunity for new ideas, growth and development.

Our school has a beautiful location in Meriden, NH. We are in a rural setting surrounded by multiple nature trails, outdoor classrooms, a newly renovated playground, beautifully landscaped flower beds and a school garden. Our teachers take full advantage of the teaching opportunities that our campus has to offer.

PES enjoys the dedication and commitment to its many school volunteers who enrich the educational experience for all of our students. Our PTA is also very active and is an integral part of our community. To learn about opportunities to become involved, please contact our main office, (603) 469-3250.
Welcome to the Plainfield Elementary School in Meriden, New Hampshire. We have 200 students in grades K-8.
PES is the only school in SAU 32. We welcome you to our school and look forward to working with you as a partner in your child's education.
Who are our Leaders?