Special Education Services
Team Members:
Amy Dressler, Director of Special Services
Felecia Foley, M.Ed: NH Certified School Counselor
Melissa Kelly, MS: NH Certified Special Education Teacher
Jennifer Lizotte, M.Ed; Reading & Writing Specialist, Special Educator
Patricia Peters, M.Ed: NH Certified Special Education Teacher
Faith Drescher, Occupational Therapist
Anna Harper, Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant (COTA)
Jeannie Hines: Physical Therapist
Alessandra LaFiandra, Speech and Language Pathologist
Child Find 34 CFR 300.111 Ed 1126.01 (b)(1) Ed 1105
The Plainfield School District understands that we have an obligation to find children who are potentially a child with a disability who is 2.5 years of age up to 21 years of age. This responsibility is known as child find, and is defined in the NH Rules for the Education of Children with Disabilities under section Ed 1105. This applies to all children with disabilities, including highly mobile children (such as migrant and homeless children), children placed in homes for children, health care facilities, or state institutions, and children who are suspected of being eligible under IDEA, even though they are advancing from grade to grade. In addition, this applies to those children attending approved, non-public private schools within the geographic boundaries of the District. The District ensures there are continuing efforts related to cultural competency in relationship to public awareness and child find activities, such as the ability to communicate with and relate to parents and families in ways which are appropriate to their individual racial, ethnic, and/or cultural backgrounds.