School Nurse - Position offered, contract in progress
Administrative Assistant to the Principal- Taylor Friedman (replacing Hilary Noyes)
Grade 3/4 Teacher - Haley Evans (replacing Hannah Lazerick)
Grade 5 - Pam Hier (replacing Abby Harrington)
Math Specialist - Abby Harrington (new position)
Grade 6 to 8 Science - Larry Bilodeau (replacing Jen Frederick)
Grade 6 to 8 Social Studies - Phoebe Buckman (replacing Jim Sheehan)
Grade 6 to 8 Math - Erin Mellow (replacing Kelly Boardman)
Grade 6 to 8 Special Educator (.5 position) - Jen Lizotte (new position due to increased case loads in special ed)
K to 2 Special Educator (1 FTE) - Patricia Peters (replacing Elisabeth Cairns)
Reading Interventionist - Paraprofessional - Andrea McMahon (new position since Jen Lizotte will only be .5 reading specialist.This is grant funded)
Grade 2 April Ellis Maternity Leave Coverage - August 25 to October 7 - Lauren Nichols
New Staff Updates
June 23, 2022