Students in classes 5/6B and 7B undertook the task of helping to maintain the PES school gardens. In library/guidance class we talked about the concept of stewardship and how it applies to our students and our campus. Students toured the gardens and identified the plants, took pictures, then researched how to move certain plants. Then the digging began; students dug up hundreds of daffodil bulbs and Siberian irises. Finally, students reflected on the project and learned how to write captions for the images on their portfolio sites. Next, students will help other students to plant the bulbs around campus on Fall Fun Day in October.
Daffodil foliage shows where the bulbs are. We are going to dig them up and move them.
PES 5th & 6 the grade students touring the gardens to plan to dig up plants, as Mrs. Foley, school counselor, looks on. Kids cleaned up the school gardens for a stewardship lesson.
Monarch caterpillars eating milkweed leaves so that they can turn into butterflies. At PES, we are stewards of the butterflies by letting the milkweed grow in our gardens.