During the last week in September, the 7th and 8th grade classes spent three days at the Hulbert Outdoor Center in Fairlee, Vermont. During the visit, the students partook in various activities that fostered teamwork and reinforced this year’s schoolwide theme–kindness–and the three pillars of the PES community–respect, responsibility, and safety. Highlights included the Outdoor Center’s ropes course, collaborative team building exercises, wilderness survival skills, archery, and seated meals. Overall, the students had a very rewarding and memorable experience. One student, when discussing the ropes course, said, “I learned that if you think you can do it, you can do it. I faced my fears.” When asked to reflect on their experience as a whole, a student remarked, “I stepped out of my comfort zone and it was really worth it,” while another affirmed, “I learned to be a team player and learned to respect the four pillars of the year.”