That's a wrap on the garden for the 2022 year! On the morning after Halloween all second graders gathered in the garden with Mrs. Maslan (retired and beloved, PES teacher) to learn about closing the gardens. As the k-2 classes plant and enjoy the garden in the spring we have the second grade take the lead and close the gardens as the older children of the group. Mrs. Maslan taught us what needs to be done to keep the gardens in great shape for the winter. We pulled up old plants, raked up straw and broke down gigantic sunflower stalks. We even got to spend time with our new facilities director Mr. Newman. He took the time to drive the tractor to and from the compost, letting very excited children fill up the bucket of his tractor with weeds and plants. It was wonderful for the children to get to know this new face that they have been seeing around the building. A great time was had by all. We may have to make closing the garden the day after Halloween a tradition, as it woke us up and allowed us to get out all our extra energy!
Mrs. Ellis :)